Freedom has Two Hands

Freedom has Two Hands

Monday 6th June 2022
Leah C. Savage

I will never forget that moment. That moment in college when Holy Spirit touched the eyes of my heart, and I could see. Prior to that moment, my soul was wrestling within me, asking Him why. Why this pain? Why does it hurt so bad? Will I ever be free? And then He unveiled and revealed His truth to me. In His quiet and gentle way, He spoke to my spirit with words I understood as "I am using what hurts you to heal you".

As those words hit my spirit, light broke through my darkness. The pain I felt was exposing those weeds growing in the garden of my heart that were strangling the life out of the precious flower-that is me. The weeds of grief and sorrow. The weeds of perfectionism. The weeds of fear. How deeply that last weed had a hold on me. But as a Gentle Master Gardner, the Father's perfect love that casts out ALL fear (1 John 4:8) and prunes ALL weeds (John 15:2), was healing me.

And beloved daughter, Jesus' perfect love is healing you even now as you read these words. You see, what the enemy meant to destroy you, Holy Spirit is using to heal you, IF you will release it into His hands and receive His truth. I am a visual learner and so Holy Spirit often gives me object lessons to help me. His love is that personal and intimate! And so, He gave me the image of our hands. We have two hands: one to release with and one to receive with.

As He uses pain to reveal those weeds rooted deeply in our heart, our healing breaks through with our release. Release is where we empty ourselves at the feet of Jesus because we trust Him. It is an act of worship that looks different for each of us, but is rooted in the same spirit of surrender, holding on no longer, and letting go. For me, release looks like tears flowing, repentance (turning away from and renouncing fear and all its poisonous fruit), and a prophetic act (writing out the things I need to release and throwing them away, putting them in my prayer box or even burning them safely).

The fruit of this release is the peace of Christ (Hebrews 12:11), and we are now ready to receive so much more. To receive new seeds of Truth planted in the soil of our heart. The Truth of who Abba Father really is, and the truth of who we really are can now take root and bear beautiful fruit in our lives. In essence, when we place our hands and everything in them in His Hands, He sets us free- little by little, and layer by layer.

It all begins with our two hands lifted humbly in surrender. Will you join me Beloved? If you are ready to be free, your hands hold the keys!

Leah Cherice Savage is called by Love Himself to unveil the Identity & Intimacy of the Beloved-until the oil in our lamps becomes a burning flame that lights the way for Christ Yeshua's return.

Love Unveiled
Author of Married to Love